If you’re not getting the quantity and quality of referrals you want, this Education Moment gives you ideas on how to earn more referrals.
Here are some important things to remember when you are scheduled to speak about your business in front of your fellow networking & referral partners:
How many of you have visited an organization or group, that you are not a member of, and come away feeling welcomed and very positive about the experience?
How many of you have felt the opposite? Not welcomed. Not appreciated.
Today I’m going to talk about the Visitor Experience within our group. I’ll outline what we want to achieve when we have visitors and how we can improve the experience for them and us.
Have you ever purchased something and then gone home and want to tell someone all about it? Or have someone ask you why you made that purchase? Your need to explain the purchase means that you connected in that moment with a story and are eager to pass it on.
Most great companies and salespeople have developed stories about themselves and their services that will help them connect with their customer
I think we can all agree that the reason we are here is to get referrals for our business. The more the merrier. But while you are working to get lots of referrals, I’d like you to keep in mind the power of one referral. Especially the “right” kind of referral for you.
You’ve often heard me say that each of us knows around 150 people that we can easily refer to our members. Your family, friends, business contacts, customers, etc…
So imagine when you look across the table at your fellow members, there are 150 people standing behind them, that could become potential customers, or referral partners.
The definition of INTENT is: a clearly formulated or planned action; or the state of mind with which an act is done.
What is the power of intention? It is the internal reason why you do something. Intentions are based on your passion, values, or purpose; it is the bigger picture of why you do anything. It is the undeniable first step to successfully achieving any goal and without it makes meaningful goals very difficult to achieve.
If you attend networking meetings, or events, in all likelyhood, there will be people there that you’ve never met before. These individuals represent a golden opportunity for you (and your business) to expand your personal network of contacts, referral partners and potential customers.
As in most things, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to network with potential business referral partners or customers while using social media. Read this article to pick up some tips on how to use social media to aid your business networking efforts.